Amnon Abramovich, a well known Israeli journalist, got himself into hot water when he opined on Ron Dermer's "Israeliness"—or lack thereof. The social media channels went wild.
I have lived here over 50 years and today, while visiting my husband in Meir hospital, he tells me that one of the nursing staff asked him if I was his wife... and then said... she's not Israeli, is she?
If Abramovitch was a “real Israeli” he would have Hebraized his name like Golda Meir or Zalman Shazar did. (Some people are just arrogant jerks. Most Israelis are nice, even to immigrants.)
A few examples of Israelis not considered Israeli enough for Israelis: Chaim Weizmann , Abba Eban , Rav Shach,
Please elaborate.
I have lived here over 50 years and today, while visiting my husband in Meir hospital, he tells me that one of the nursing staff asked him if I was his wife... and then said... she's not Israeli, is she?
Perhaps she meant 'native Israeli.' But why it should matter to her/him is another story...
Kacha zeh
If Abramovitch was a “real Israeli” he would have Hebraized his name like Golda Meir or Zalman Shazar did. (Some people are just arrogant jerks. Most Israelis are nice, even to immigrants.)