Matti Caspi: "The most moving moment, for me, of my performance yesterday with the philharmonic"
Israel's musical legend gave a performance at the Tel Aviv Cultural Center two weeks ago, and told the crowd that given these times, they ought to start by singing something together.
Matti Caspi, one of Israel’s legendary musicians, gave a performance at the Tel Aviv Cultural Center two weeks ago. He told the crowd that this is a time of “burning” in Israel, and that the issues burn for him as well. People applauded, a few held up flags.
Therefore, Caspi said, he felt that they should begin the evening by singing something together, by singing something that could bring them together.
The audience applauded again.
People obviously expected him to play one of his own many now-iconic songs. But when he played a few notes on his guitar, he so surprised the audience that they began to giggle. When they realized he wasn’t kidding, though, they immediately got with the program. So did the orchestra.
You can see and hear what happened at this link, which Caspi posted to his FB page.
Sort of makes you think, even if for a moment, that things might still be OK, no?
More next week.
Impossible Takes Longer will be published this April. It’s available now for pre-order on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
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Very moving...