This is a heartbreaking reality that so many of us, including myself, have not even begun to understand. As stated, we are so laser focused on getting the hostages home, that many haven’t had the ability to learn about the struggles faced by the orphans and grandparents-turned-parents. Thank you for this article.

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The world must be united to annihilate these terrorists! Israel should not be doing this alone!! 💙🤍💙🤍🇮🇱💪🏻✡️

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It us all too awful and honestly , while I thought of the constant suffering and losses of parents , children, spouses and partners , grandparents and friends

and others, I had not thought of the grandparents having to raise the grandchildren at this stage of their lives. It is just all horrible.

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Apologies for a pedantic comment: the phrase "The Kids Are Alright" was made popular through the song of that name by The Who (1965), not the 2010 movie starring Annette Bening and Julianne Moore .

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I believe that Israel can only count on itself and wish and pray that we can always take care of ourselves; however, at this point, this seems maybe more than we can actually do. Under this weathervane Joe Biden, we certainly cannot count on the United States.

Why not reach out to friendly nations? I believe India is such a nation, and itself on the way to become more powerful. Indian leader Morendra Modi is a man of character, if we can obtain an endorsement from him, and support in the U.N., I believe we could count on it.

On another matter, IMO P. M. Netanyahu is the best P. M. since Menachem Begin. He turned the economy around from a poorly performing socialist paradigm into a well performing capitalist economy. The opposition was in power just a couple of years ago and has accomplished exactly ZERO. They could not even pass a budget. Why? Because they have no moral compass. In order to grasp power, they took into their coalition an Arabic party, which is committed to the destruction of Israel; they obstructed every initiative, good or bad, just so the Left could not govern? Are we going to return to that nonsensical situation again?? In addition, Mr. Ganz is talking a lot about democracy, yet he does not follow the first rule of democracy: respect election results. Mr. Netanyahu has been elected with a substantial majority, yet Mr. Ganz worked against P. M. Netanyahu from the first day he took office, opposing his review of the Judicial System. P. M. Netanyahu made that one of the most important election issues. When the people voted for him, they knew that they were also voting for Judicial review. People better use their own minds to think through such an important issue as to who is going to lead the country, especially in such a dangerous time!

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