It’s time for Israel to take a bold new path forward.

My brother has been a settler on the West Bank since the late 70s I have visited many of time and see how the settlements grown, I think a great mistake was made in that the development of the West Bank in that it did not include collaboration with the palestinians. The Palestinians have not been treated as equals in the attitude of the settlers has been one of arrogance and self righteousness. I think if Israel is going to continue to exist it needs to be to so in a way that shows respect and equality with regard to the Palestinian population.

I envision a confederation of two states, the Jewish state based on the pre-67 borders which would be 80% Jewish/20% Arab-Israeli‘s, and a second state on the West Bank and Gaza That would be 80% Palestinian Arabs in 20% Jewish Israelis, there would be a bill of rights given complete equality in all aspects of life to both Israelis and Palestinians. There would be a police force/Army/security and the judiciary that was made up equally both Israelis and Palestinians. Palestinians who wanted to return to their ancestral home could purchase the property they desired.

I think at this time Israel is focusing on expanding the scope of the conflict which I think is very unfortunate and will only lead to self destruction unlivable society that is not sustainable. It’s time to rethink in a bold way.

I think we need to move forward acknowledging the both jews and Palestinians both have legitimacy in claiming the right to live in this part of the world and neither should try to dominate and subjugate the other. This type of confederation of two states I think could be a beautiful example of coexistence.

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I agree as long as safety and security are in none of the parties' hands.

We can't forget or believe that Israel will succeed in eradicating Hamas from this area.

Nor can we forget Hamas was elected 17 years ago to govern Gaza and is still supposedly doing so.

We need some serious, competent, armed authority.

Not the antisemitic, useless UN army.

Alas, I do not know who can fulfill such a role.

It would probably require a mixed international military force, the same type there had been in West Berlin a while ago.

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As the saying goes... 'rak b'yisrael...'

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