Disastrous,divisive interview.Should no longer be in war cabinet

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Couldn’t be further from the truth.Gadi thought IDF was video game and went high tech on us,cancelling battle readiness of IDF.Also,manipulated by Illana Dayan,allowed himself to divide the nation and bring doubts into the war cabinet,paving his way to a left leaning.Daniel,first time your call is way off.

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I thought this was a very moving, nuanced interview, and I really appreciated her fearless questions and his honesty. His bravery is, to me, an expression of pure love for his country.

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And I am so sorry for the loss of his beautiful son, Gal, and his nephew. So much tragedy in the last four months...

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Disagree. Most interesting. Unafraid to speak out.

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Looking forward to part 2. Gadi comes across as thoughtful, principled, nuanced, responsible, and patriotic, dedicated to the soldiers and the hostages, with a very clear perspective on priorities for this conflict. Dayan is asking the questions on every Israeli and Zionist or pro-Israeli's mind.

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Gadi is an honor to Israel. He is a man who speaks carefully and truthfully. He has been through the worst--the loss of a beloved son. He understands.

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