חזק, חזק ויתחזק. שהי ינקום את דמם.

I can’t emphasize enough how important “Israel From The Inside” is to me. Please continue your work.

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David Friedman is clear and realistic. Everyone who disagrees with him indulges in wishful thinking: "If only the Palestinians would stop their jihad against Israel, there could be a lovely two-state solution." The truth is that there is NO SOLUTION that will satisfy our Jewish compassion and also our will to survive. There is no human solution. Only Moshiach can solve this mess. Just as the Jewish people started out in an impossible situation as slaves in Egypt and were redeemed miraculously by God, so now, at the end of history, we will be saved only by God and a miraculous redemption. This is much more "realistic" than any of the proposed "after the war" solutions.

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It's impossible to state how destructive to Israel's long-term relationship to the US and its own interests Friedman and his former boss and currently endorsed candidate for President are. Israel's current war is completely righteous and necessary. The description of the PA of course true, and the prospect in any near future of any kind of two state solution nil. But to speak with such contempt like this of those who hold out its promise, to outline as the future an *actual* apartheid state -- what do we think has led over decades to dramatically diminished support for Israel among Americans and even Democrats? Biden could well be the last true Israel supporter among American presidents. The relationship could revert to pre-Six Day War. And if American support disappears, it will be a cold lonely wind from Europe. Jews know something about patience and long-term dreams. It's a good thing young Americans will likely never read that interview or hear of it. But he'll speak again. What an awful voice.

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Why does Israeli security control automatically translate into apartheid? Gaza has been a major thorn in Israel's side for many years even though Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza and was attacked repeatedly in response. I do not believe that Israel is planning to force out the Gazans.

Hopefully, our next President will not be bound to the failed Obama policies and will recognize that security by Israel will help stabilize the neighborhood.

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Security by Israel will help stabilize the neighborhood (we hope and believe). But longer term? Unless it is actually legally one state, which few Jews or Israelis want or believe humanly possible, security control over a different people, living largely separately and under a legal or regulatory regime that is any way different from that of the majority, citizen population -- and against that people's will -- is what apartheid is. I've never accepted that name for the current long-term state of affairs because I perceived and conceived it as only a de facto state for an unforeseeable future in the face of an intractable antagonist. But once you conceive and speak of it as Friedman does, as a settled, permanent condition, that's what it is. And that powerfully enables more and more people, who are not as naturally sympathetic to Israel as we would wish, and whatever the full history, to perceive Israel in the present day as an oppressor.

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Parallels, analogies don't need to be exact in every respect to have force, definitions be met in every detail to have meaning. But Friedman does not speak of "security maintenance over another state." He very pointedly rejects two "states": "Israel maintains full sovereignty, ‘from the river to the sea.’"

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After rereading your statement I also believe that you are not correct in defining security maintenance over another state as apartheid

Apartheid specifically maintains certain people in a subordinate position with reduced access to food, employment, education, etc

Israel never did that to the Gaza’s. Hamas did

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Get real. You can’t rule over them and never give them equal voting rights and call it anything less than apartheid. Apartheid means two classes: one with voting rights and hence representation, and one without. Friedman and his friends like Smotrich have this clearly as a vision. Jay Adler is on target. The combination of Rabin’s assassination and Bibi’s clearly backfired long term attempts at undermining the PA and its relative moderation and secularism, by bolstering Hamas with Qatari money, has predictably backfired. But it gives ammo for freaks like Friedman to now say “oh my. Look! They all hate us!”. Well how difficult was that to foresee? As Lloyd Austin said a few days ago, Israel can win the tactical short term war but lose the strategic long term one. Hamas and the Israeli current government are truly partners in anti-peace. Danny Gordis should never have given this Trumpster a platform here. It is a poor reflection on DG, as was his hot-headed, unfair, and middle finger resignation from the Rabbinical Assembly.

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First, I do not believe that Israel wants to control Gaza long term. Hopefully Gaza's population will become less radical and more focused on building up their community. Until that develops Israel would be crazy to just walk away from Gaza and let the populace elect another version of Hamas to create more problems.

Second, I agree that Smotrich & crew should not be in power.

Third, I do not know whether or not Bibi undermined the PA. I do believe that such an effort would have been unnecessary as that "government" is corrupt,, incompetent, and devoted to the destruction of Israel.

Fourth, during WW2 the Allies rightly reduced Germany to rubble and killed millions of German soldiers and civilians. Germany is no longer interested in conquering the world. Maybe the "innocent" Gazan civilians will come to understand that permanent war with their neighbors is not such a good idea.

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The Left is as toxic in Israel as it is in the US. The Left destroys everything it touches. Obviously I disagree with your premise entirely.

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The US maintained troops in Japan and Europe for a generation after WWII, and there was no Apartheid. The Japanese obeyed their emperor; do the Japanese stopped fighting. Gazans may continue terrorism given opportunity; so Israel’s job may be more difficult. However, even if Jordan supplies a coalition government in Gaza, the Israelis may have to be the police force until the new government has credibility and ability.

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Dec 12, 2023·edited Dec 12, 2023

Uhhh. Read the post. Friedman, like Smotrich and especially Bibi want a Jewish state with no long term voting by Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank. A democracy is thus expendable. Too risky according to authoritarians. Bibi has therefore cynically worked to bolster Hamas to avoid a peace partner in the PA. He played with fire and put Israel at risk. With tragic outcomes on 10/7. That’s hardly analogous to Japan who surrendered in war. And where governance was seen as temporary from the get-go.

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For those returning soldiers who speak English there are a fair number of American Special Forces veterans that have podcasts and communities to help American veterans integrate back into “life”. I think the lessons would apply to Israeli soldiers as well. Jocko Podcast and Andy Stumpf’s Cleared Hot Podcast are a good place to start. America spent twenty years trying to learn how to do this and mostly failed but perhaps Israel can learn from our failures and improve on them for their veterans.

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My new slogan project:

“From the River to the Sea,

Israel will remain Free,

From the Jordan to the Sea,

Israel will always Be!”

My poem. Feel free to use, print, paint, shout…

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I appreciate your bringing David Friedman's insights to Israel on the Inside. He is doubtless correct on the necessity of destroying Hamas completely as a military presence and insuring there is no terrorist group to supplant it. What an enormous, incalculable sacrifice by Israel to fight under these conditions, with a largely hostile international community. Israel mourns each day for more of its fallen sons. There is no simple answer to the Israel-US relationship down the line. A great test will come on the northern border under the constant threat of Hezbollah. Certainly, Israel will gain on the political front if the current government gives way to a more centrist coalition. Ben Gvir and Smotrich, and all they stand for, are damaging and should no longer hold a PM in their grasp. As for the US, the prospect of a second Biden administration, unless there is a change in the vp, does not augur well.

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And a 91 count indicted corrupt Trump would be better for us? Get real.

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David friedman is not on the podcast, the podcast shows something else. Please correct.

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Google will also translate (in typical, somewhat 'humorous' fashion -- kashim -->'hard,' rather than severe...) the site.

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