Is it possible to incentivize gazans to turn in members of Hamas for monetary assistance in rebuilding Gaza?

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Not to nitpik, but given the role that women have been playing in this war - and one supposes going forward as well - it would be nice to see that acknowledged in the various pieces. Everything is about "our sons." Isn't it past time to also acknowledge the brave "daughters?" Surely a more neutral word could be found by each of the writers.

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I have done SEVERAL pieces on that precise subject. In this case, I'm just translating.

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It wasn't aimed at you and the wonderful work that you do of translating things we would otherwise not see. It was more of a cris de coeur. I hate that for too many, women have become a statistic of sexual violence and barbarity and nothing more. Not to take away from that horrible fact, but they are so much more.

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One translation question. It says "For many years now, friends have been telling me that until there are no organizations like “Tag Meir” [DG — an Israeli Jewish organization that seeks to counter Jewish terrorism] in Palestinian society, there is no one to make peace with." Should that be "until there are organizations"? My guess is that he's saying there need to be Palestinian organizations that *are* like "Tag Meir", working to counter terrorism on their side.

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Yes, you are correct. I just read that paragraph from the article.

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Fyi, the Psalms quote is 29:11 not 49:11

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Well worth reading,as Hamas seems to have established a good working relationship with the UN and other relief agencies.

Secondly, as Israel's anguish runs on, I wonder whether the fanatics holding the hostages, knowing that the IDF is now closing in, will start to murder them; I believe threats have already been made .

My second reading of 'If This Is A Woman', Sarah Helm's detailed account of Ravensbruck, the concentration camp for women, relates the final killing spree of the SS, as allied armies closed in and the Nazis -addicted to mass murder-attempted to exterminate remaing survivors, eradicate evidence and indulge in a final display of deadly defiance.

Are the Hamas thugs planning a similar outrage?

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Thank you for translating very important stuff.

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Even Zionism founder Theodor Herzl would stand with Hamas🇵🇸 today , that's what I explained here:


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Too bad the Ottoman Empire rejected that vision and then went on to join the losing side of WWI, leading to its dissolution. Maybe the Ottomans stand with the Palestinians in never losing an opportunity to lose an opportunity.

As Herzl died in 1904, it’s intellectually dishonest to pretend his thinking would not have evolved. Herzl was a forward looking thinker, not one trying to resurrect a past that never existed.

As an heir to European Enlightenment ideas, Herzl never would have sided with the primitive barbarism and religious fundamentalism that is Hamas - whose days now seem numbered both as the public face of Palestinian “resistance” and as a viable entity.

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Did you read Altneuland? Do you think Herzl would have supported Geyer policies?

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I am not sure what the point is of your remaking the past or imagining what Herzl might have done had history followed a different tack.the short answer remains “we cannot possibly know.”

Perhaps you might more profitably address the more pressing question of the continuing failures of a Palestinian leadership that cannot cope with reality.

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The reality is that the State of Israel isn't sustainable over the long-term, and will be dismantled soon, because it failed to listen to Herzl warning in Altneuland against Geyer policies .

Nowadays, Norman Finkelstein or Noam Chomsky are Zionists who understand this reality like Herzl did

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I regret that you dirtied this substack with your insanity. Go back to your tunnel.

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While one cannot know the future, the Abraham Accords and Saudi Arabia’s expressed interest in negotiating with Israel after Hamas (which, as part of the Muslim Brotherhood it detests) is taken care of, suggests a brighter future for all.

Perhaps get used to the Jews returning to their historical homeland and creating a vibrant economy and society. Its neighbors (and you) would do better to have Arab society emulate Israel’s strengths rather than waste another generation’s potential with malevolent hopes of its destruction.

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Perhaps get used to Hamas, and don't waste another generation potential with malevolent hopes of destruction of the Palestinian resistance

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Perhaps get off this post. You are disgusting and a rape apologist. Hamas are fucking savages and barbarians so take your crap elsewhere. Get out. Back to your tunnel.

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I regret your feedback couldn't get more constructive

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You know you are insane. What Herzl wanted most was for Jews to be safe in their own land.

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Read the post and discuss after

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