“So yes, there was quite a bit of human after the operation, and no, it wasn’t in poor taste.”

I read it as humor, but thought I’d point it out. But humor is quite human.

Great post. I am looking forward to reading you during the week. As your high holy days approach, know that you have many friends. Count me as one of them. Prayed for Israel at Mass this morning in South Florida. All the best, friend.

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Thank you, and God bless.

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You know, there's a rumor going around that it wasn't a nerd named Gidi, Noam or Yohav. It was a kid named Gali or Naomi or Yael.

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To the nerds in Israel, our new heroes. To the IDF, our forever heroes. May the new year bring us ‘real’ peace and more Jewish humor.

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'...doesn't mean you have to use it.' Who in his right mind could/would say such a thing?!

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People who have been brainwashed by the Palestinian victim narrative. I am reading Dr. Wilf’s, “We Should All Be Zionists.” It is a compelling argument she makes. Peace will come when Arabs accept Israel on the land it is on. But Hamas and Hezbollah want Israel wiped off the planet. They don’t want a two state solution and never have. So page away, Israel. Page away. After 10/7/23 I cannot blame Israelis for saying, “The gloves are, and forever shall remain, OFF.”

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Read her "War of Return" also.

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Thank you. I will most certainly do so.

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i prefer “from the liver to the spleen”, rolls off the younger even better

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