As I stood at this funeral I sensed something very different. This wasn’t a crowd filled with young soldiers. This was someone who must have been elite - the men I saw standing throughout Har Hertzl were massive , like trees walking by me. Without knowledge of who they were, I felt the power of these men. Side by side in this space to honor this incredible human being. Yes, as was echoed several times, like Yoni Netanyahu - a true hero. I felt honoured to be there. I made aliyah 2.5 years ago and my Hebrew is not that good but I am getting there. How do I know, as I continue to attend these funerals as part of my responsibility as a member of this nation, I now can understand more that is being said about the deceased. Very sad way to gauge my progress but somehow it makes me feel so proud. Am Yisrael chai. I feel truly honored to now be Israeli

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The late italian journalist Oriana Fallaci said, “When ‘Peace’ stand for fear, loss of dignity and freedom, it is no longer peace. It’s suicide.” While I’m infuriated by the refusal of the Haradim to serve in the army, and I’m fed up with Netanyahu’s games, I also don’t trust anyone else in the government to see this war through to the complete destruction of Hamas’ war-fighting capabilities. Seemingly, the IDF is proceeding carefully but steadily toward the destruction of Hamas’ last intact battalions. If the cost of continuing is delaying the requirement for Haredi service, it seems like a price worth paying. The price of stopping the war prematurely is much higher.

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This criticism of Netanyahu is unreasonable. Any other leader of a coalition government would also do what was necessary to keep his/her coalition together at the time of a national crisis such as Israel has endured over the last 8 months. If the left in Israel wanted more influence on the government, then they should have entered into a coalition with Netanyahu so that he didn't have to rely so heavily on the Haredim to form a government.

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Absolutely disagree. Netanyahu lacks the vision to bring the people to a better future. Time to go.

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I am from Italy and it was really moving to watch the video. May God help Israel to find peace on Earth.

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I’m sitting here on the train and crying my eyes out. We have so many giborim and yes, then we also have Bibi…… beautifully written Daniel! Thank you

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So heartbreaking 🥺🙏🇮🇱💔

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Netanyahu cares for nothing except for Netanyahu, regardless of the cost.

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Thank you for your heartfelt and truthful description of a gut-wrenching dialectic--the heroism of the soldiers; the cowardice of the leaders.

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