“We were brought up believing that we were a military power,” she said. “But then we realized that we’re not."

Israel is very much a military power. But the problem is that thanks to quite a few factors, including the increasingly problematic relationship with the American Democratic Party which has become a party of apeasement and therefore permanent war and threat, Israel is unable to use its full military power and Iran knows this.

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I disagree with your statement, Doug. Every US Administration would be cautious in the Middle East as it has been and continues to be a power keg. This area has a long history of colonialism from major European powers. This is also the source of the military coalition. Beyond that, despite the Abraham Accords, there is the history of the history of the Arab League. One never steps lightly into Middle Eastern conflicts which are more complicated than that proverbial pealing an onion.

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As usual, Danny Gordis, you said it all. . .all that we've been thinking or trying not to think. Thanks

Jan Gaines, Netanya

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As usual, and surprising because you are a religious person, you left God out of this picture. The first of the Ten Commandments is to believe in God who brought us out of Egypt, i.e. a God who intervenes in history for our benefit. As an Israeli sitting here in Jerusalem waiting for Iran and its proxies to attack, I can honestly say (like many thousands of other Israelis), Ein Od Milvado--There is no power beside God. I pray that He will protect every Jew in Israel and every non-Jew who is on our side (and our pilots in the air wherever). You write about the destruction of the Second Temple and Jerusalem: "And before that, was there anything they could have done differently to save themselves?" Our sages make it clear: Yes, they could have practiced loving each other. The destruction came because of sinat hinum--causeless hatred. You are grasping for answers. That is the answer. If we unify and practice loving each other, we can escape calamity. It was clear to everyone on October 8 that our internal strife had brought about this calamity. How can you forget so quickly?

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I find the tone of your comments that are directed to the personhood of the writer not in line with Ahavat Israel.

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ODed Ben Ami is your guru.Hasn’t got a clue

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