Yes, that slaughter at the Park Hotel had to be answered with strength. All agree. Yet to this day we do not understand why the more than 1,000 murders of Israeli citizens up to that point did not trigger such a response. Of course, the original Haver and his sidekick Peres took to calling these lost souls "sacrifices for The Peace," but still, for over a year Israelis did not know as they entered a bus, if they would exit that bus still breathing, and not as "pieces for the peace." There was and is, an algorithm of Jewish blood. If you kill a Jew here and there, or even a family, and then wait a bit before murdering again, the Jews will not react. Sharon was one of the leaders who stood by while this Jewish blood-letting increased until the hardest of hard core Israeli peace activists spent all their energy urging the pedophile rapist Arafat to cool it down. "It doesn't look good in the papers," they told him. "You are hurting your own cause." These were Israeli Jews speaking. Noticeably missing were similar calls coming from the ranks of Palestinians.

It may be that leadership consisting of retired generals was at the root of the algorithm. Because of course a military leader needs to be ready to send troops to possible death for the sake of victory in battle. It is a balancing act and the soldiers are the necessary pawns to be maneuvered and sometimes sacrificed--as they have been in all the battles of all the wars ever fought. Our ex-general leadership simply confused civilians with soldiers. All recent leaders of Israel, including the present one, work by this algorithm.

So, civilians are soldiers. That's what Hamas said. It took Hamas acting on this understanding to wake Israel from her sleep--a work in progress.

But it took much less for the press to pounce on Netanyahu as The Guilty One. He is, of course, and he will pay the political price, of course. But what does it say about a leading Israeli journalist who does not pounce on the heads of the intelligence services and the southern military command? Should they command the allegiance of the soldiers in the field? How would a thinking person even think that this is possible? They are operationally responsible for the worst loss of civilian Jewish life since the Holocaust. This is not a political discussion that can be left until after the dust settles. They are not fit to lead. They must step down. Immediately. Leading journalists in Israel should be leading the charge to bring this about.

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How can I do that?

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If like to volunteer. But I’m in miami

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Wow. Tzhal rocks.

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