I don't like interesting. I want to get back to boring.

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Is the US smart enough to realize that the majority of Israeli society wants total victory no less than we wanted to decimate Nazi germany? It’s the only

Thing that willl bring peace. Otherwise Hamas is in their bunkers waiting for Israel to fold.

There will only be peace when the Palestinians have abandoned any hope of ever defeating Israel. And we are a long ways away.

Unfortunately not sure we can do it because we are 100% dependent on American weapons.

Rabbi Gordis has there been any discussion about Israel needing to dramatically expand its military industrial complex to be more self-sufficient?

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In Israel, where the front is in the backyard, soldiers change into uniform at home before reporting to duty, and change back when they get home. Reservists are permitted to engage in civic protest provided they are out of uniform. To do it correctly, all the soldiers first would have had to go home, most to places many hours away, change and drive back to Gaza. The protest would have been impossible. No one’s extracting themselves from kids and spouses for social activist activities 5 mins after walking through the door. In other words, if they were going to protest, it would be in uniform or not at all.

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Thanks for the clarification.

I expected their impressive and courageous "rebellion" against BB would have repercussions.

I did not realize its magnitude.

I wish them the best at the lowest cost. But also that their initiative spreads.

Israel and us (I know it is easy to write from the comfort of my study) need them.

We need this young spirit to govern and navigate Israel's boat safely to the new trajectory one can perceive more than see.

Yet, they know and should accept two things:

1-that Exhaustion can be their worst enemy.

2-That the Israeli economy has taken a severe token and needs their input.

At least, that's how I understand the reservists' return to civil life.

Please let me know if I need to correct something in my reasoning.

In advance, thank you.

Warm regards.

Claude Rothman (she/her)

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General H.R. McMaster said “Deterrence is capability plus will.” The Gazans’ will isn’t going away. But my opinion is that capability isn’t just missiles and tunnels. It’s also capable leadership. To me it seems like Israel has to get to the point that Sinwar and his team are either dead or exiled in a hostage deal before this war can be considered a success.

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Thanks for explicating the subtle meaning; would've missed the extended "lamed" for sure. Sooner Israel cleans it's political house, better the chances of a clear strategy on all fronts.

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Thank you.

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So, does anyone know where these soldiers, who have spent weeks on the battlefield, with their lives in danger, had the time and the materials to create these professional looking signs? Miraculous...

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This is fascinating insight.

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