excellent essay

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Daniel, you are in the vortex of the re-imagining of the Israel/Diaspora relationship. The Orthodox and Chabad in particular educate every Jewish child (my 15 year old grandson is in Israel now with 145 of his fellow students from an Orthodox high school in Boca Raton). The majority of US Jewish children receive no Jewish education or a core competency of what Jewish identify, consciousness or connection to Israel can be. We have collectively failed for decades. Can you host a discussion on the possibility of a an Israeli/US Jewish Community effort to create the Jewish equivalent of the Lycee Francais that the French government has administered for many years. They run five hundred schools worldwide to educate over 300,000 students a year in a comprehensive system of French language, culture, and affinity. Birthright is ten days for twenty somethings who have missed out on Judaism. But is a model where the Israeli government, Jewish Philanthropists, and Jewish Communities partner to sustain Birthright. Surely we can do better. What am I missing?

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Wow, this puts a whole new spin on things. Daniel Gordis never disappoints.

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The original premise was that everyone agrees we need judicial reform. It was just that the scope of the reform proposed was over-reaching. Now it is admitted that the real reason for the protests is to bring down the government. The Prime Minister puts a hold on the legislation, but we read that he is only stalling, he doesn't mean it. Well, the demonstrators didn't mean to stop their protests either. Who is actually organizing these protests? I have always been worried about mob rule and I disagree with your dismissal Daniel, of those who say that you would not be upset if there were right wing demonstrations , trying to bring down a centre left government over some issue . Is this how we want our country to be run? Elections are meaningless unless I get my kind of government? Democracy is really strong in Israel; huge protests (on both sides), complete freedom of the press. There are no political prisoners and martial law, and suspension of civil rights in reaction to demonstrations. Rather than the US government not speaking to Netanyahu rather they should applaud the complete freedom on discourse, that there has been no violence and society is strong. Did the US refuse to speak to the British government after Brexit? And I understand the issues with the Haredim; there position is unsustainable and something has to change. But I thought we were led to believe that the IDF didn't really want Haredim to serve? Hatred will not serve us well.

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I don’t have to agree with everything Dan Gordis has to say to learn from his insights .. he’s right to say that the split seems to be between the Haredim and the rest of Israel ..politics is about defining the conflict and the Haredim have overplayed their hand. Perhaps this is Bibi’s long game ??

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Sorry again, Mr. Gordis, but what you call the "anemic logic" of the "American Jewish neo-con movement" is spot on in pointing out the hypocrisy of those screaming for "De-Mo_Krat_Ya", but in reality in favor of overthrowing the democratically elected (yes, Mr. Gordis, democratically elected) government (or "gang of thugs" as you call it).The face of democracy for you is apparently protestors who "have no choice" but to block traffic on highways in order to "save the country" or pilots and special forces soldiers claiming that since the IDF is the peoples army, they can refuse to carry out orders if they happen to think the Jewish State is not democratic because of a government they detest. No, you say, this is "courage" and "love", since, anyway, "research shows that 100% law abiding protests get absolutely nothing done"(?!). These utterances are yours ("What you just witnessed was one of the greatest weeks in Israel's history"-your post of late March 2023). Your justification of lawlessness (when you happen to agree with those breaking the law or intending to do so) is unworthy of you (saying the least), and, in fact, smacks of the "anemic logic" you so decry. Who was it that said "Don't wish too hard for something-you just might get it!" ?

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sounds like another self righteous Intellectual.

Mob rule is great & virtuous as long as it's my Mob!

How exhilarating,how exciting,Just like BLM & Antifa.

Burn down the street,..show your righteous indignation. Destroy the Government because it is evil,not like you & I who are completely correct!

As George Orwell,if he were alive today to take note of this pompous fool Gordis.

He believes Ideas so Absurd that only an intellectual can believe them''

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Interesting reading.

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I’m old school, I guess. Consent to govern is granted in a democracy in an election. The losers are not oppressed thereby, although it’s true they could be. But they’re not until they are. A person and party who have shown an unambiguous willingness to sit in the opposition when they lose an election shouldn’t have to face massive uncivil disobedience which at baseline is inspired by an accusation which is entirely unfounded: that this government lacks legitimacy.

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