May 26·edited May 26

Perhaps the more apt verse is Proverbs 11:10: "When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices. When the wicked perish, there is shouting of joy." משלי י"א:י': בְּטוּב צַדִּיקִים תַּעֲלֹץ קִרְיָה וּבַאֲבֹד רְשָׁעִים רִנָּה. This verse serves as a counter to Proverbs 24:17: “When your enemy falls, do not rejoice; and when he stumbles, let your heart not be glad.”

So, how does one navigate this apparent contradiction? I believe the core distinction lies in motivation. If one rejoices because their enemy's fall elevates their own position, rank, or status, that is a base, egotistic emotion. Conversely, if the joy stems from the belief that the world is now a better place because evil has been eradicated, then it is appropriate. Celebrating the end of a cause of many innocent deaths is meritorious, whereas gloating over personal gain due to an enemy's fall is condemnable.

Therefore, if you feel happy that President Raisi is gone and the world is a safer and better place, that is praiseworthy.

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Wonderful depiction of Israeli love of life! Thank you for the video.

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Here in Petach Tikva, at about 13.45 the sirens sounded only once and there was the sound of a fairly distant explosion and that was all! So I find your headline of "Massive...." to be an exaggeration. Later the news mentioned 12 rockets and even later the number was reduced to only 8 with only one person lightly wounded by pieces of flying shrapnel. I remember the Blitz in London when a bomb exploded in our neighbourhood, the blast of which caused the glass in the window of our bedroom to shatter. At the age of 4 years, my brother and I thought it to be fun! During that part of the war in London about 65,000 civilians lost their lives. And you call this "Massive..."?

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Ah, I've seen the video--just amazing! Wonderful translation. Maybe you'll take up the interesting meaning of the slang use of "Kapparah" sometime?

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Beautiful video 💙

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Wiping away the tears after watching that video. Thank you.

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Thank you for this video. Normal but ….

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Also, I’d like to add that I often think of canceling my subscription to this newsletter because of its almost relentless negativity. It’s videos like the one today that keep me subscribed.

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It appears that Daniel is responding to his readers' comments by representing more of "the other side." It's not that we want just "feel good" content, but the despair and negativity comes principally from non-believers, who tend to be on the left. Those of us in the Religious Zionist world who see that Hashem guides Jewish history (not always according to our comprehension or liking) are sad and distressed about the hostages and our fallen and wounded soldiers and how the whole world is ganging up on us again, but we do not give in to despair. I look out my window and see the rebuilt Jerusalem, as the Prophets prophesied. How can I not have faith that the rest of their prophesies will be fulfilled?

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עם הנצח לא מפחד מדרך ארוכה.

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I’m pretty sure Proverbs 24:17 wasn’t referring to Amalek.

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