You know this already, but bears repeating: Listen not to those who question either your אהבת ישראל or your שחל. Your ability to pierce through to the elemental difficulties underlying positions round the Middle East compass (no normal instrument) is exemplary. I take heart when I remember that many stand with you. Thank you does not begin to express the gratitude for the necessity of your voice and your heart and your mind. לנצח נצחים – actual victory may take that long (because what does that look like?)

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To leave only 8 houses standing would require a great deal more rocket damage than at present. Your exaggeration is not how to explain what is really happening and your style needs to be closer to the truth.

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It is abundantly clear which side DG is on - Israel's and the Jewish People. The purpose of this blog is to show ALL of the different opinions going on in Israel at present - not just happy talk. Being a Zionist doesn't mean being blind to reality.

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Please reread that section. The destruction is the result of fires ignited by drone attacks, not rockets. Wildfire can and does destroy whole towns.

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I am an American Jew who has always been supportive of Israel since my first visit there in 1973. But I have always been baffled how a people who were dancing in the streets when the UN declared Israel a state somehow evolved to feel that it was and still is okay to build settlements on land outside of the UN declared borders. I get the need to defend the country, but for decades expansionists have been rubbing the faces of the Palestinians, who obviously believe that they are entitled to their own state, in the dirt on ground outside Israel’s borders. The 10/7 attack was horrendous, but it’s time to set REALISTIC goals for the outcome of the Gaza conflict. The destruction of Hamas is not realistic. Easier to remove all of the Hydra’s heads. There can be only two approaches: finding a peaceful settlement in both Gaza and the north or fighting hard on both fronts at great cost of civilian lives and Israeli soldiers. The latter is NOT an option that works well, because the aftermath leaves no solutions.

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I hadn’t seen the Hebrew/English prayer for hostages before. I am going to try to find it and print it out.

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On which side are you anyway? It seems to me that you would rather take a pessimistic view of the great achievement that Israel has made since it began to be a democratic and mostly socially just country. The mere fact that in certain bad ways we have the same faults as many other Western countries, does not mean that Israel is rubbish. Change your ways and report some more accurate and happier news!

Philosophy of Change

Change brings pain—again and again.

Pain brings suffering—uttering, muttering

Suffering brings tolerance—with much endurance.

Tolerance brings thinking—and good ideas linking.

Thinking brings knowledge—saves going to college.

Knowledge brings understanding—sensibility expanding.

Understanding brings wisdom—and where it comes from.

And wisdom makes life bearable—happily declarable!

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