Thirty years ago when my wife became profoundly disabled and my sons were 6 and 4 I said to an older, wiser friend, “I feel like I’ll never be happy again.” He laughed and said, “Oh, you will be.” He was right. I learned to be happy. But I’ve never again been lighthearted. If someone asked me if I believe in miracles I’d answer yes - as a statement of faith, not of expectation. An Isaac Bashevis Singer story entitled “A Hanukkah Evening in My Parents’ House” ends with the father telling his wife what he told their children: “I didn’t preach, I told them a story,” Father said. “I want them to know that what God could do two thousand years ago He can also do in our time.” Personally, I feel like Job. My sons are happy and married and I have wonderful grandchildren. Though I haven’t forgotten the pain of the past, it was worth it for the future that came to be. May it be so on an individual and national level in Israel.

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Thank you for referring me to this IB Singer story. I am so happy your children have found fulfilling lives. What you and your wife are going through is hard for me to imagine. Wishing you both a better year.

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חזק חזק ןנתחזק.

Let us be strong and strengthen our resolve.

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