excellent writing and reporting this past week in your columns. Am Yisroel Chai!

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Forgive my Hebrew; learned back in 1976, when studying Theology at Bangor. Shema Isra'el! Adonai elohenu. Adonai ehad. May the creator God of Israel and the Cosmos, who made Israel "a light to lighten the Gentiles", protect his people from the Islamic vileness which surrounds them. We are Israel!

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זה על שדפקתם לי את חופשת הלידה — “this is because you ruined my maternity leave.”

Such lightness in the midst of the horror that occurred and the resolve that is present now must surely boost the morale and strength of everyone. Humanity revealed in its complexity.

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Nothing more feminist than an equal participation in the duty of defending the country. Plenty of female heroes this October (and before) including the all-female tank company of Karakal shooting, blowing up and running over the psychopathic Palestinian death squad members invading Israel.

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The situation in Israel is as if there were a death in the family: you wake up, wonder what time it is and what you need to do today. And then the thoughts flood in. Israel under attack. Children, women, elderly, all murdered because they were Jewish. The army called up to fight. The antisemites immediately gathered on the college campuses of the USA. And on it goes. It stays with you all day. You keep returning to the TV or radio for a bit of news. And that is from the comfort and safety of the USA. It is hard to imagine what it is like for our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel. All our prayers go out to all of you. עם ישראל חי לנצח.

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Sending love and prayers from Philadelphia.

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