Sometime in mid November, I saw an advertisement for "Israel Food Rescue" (check their website) on one of your Israel from the inside pages. On December 5, I flew to Israel and spent two weeks picking and packing fruit on a moshav near Ashdod. It was a wonderful experience and I recommend the program to all who are able and have the opportunity to leave their regular obligations for a short period (everybody is entitled to a vacation).

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This does happen in the US. I housed a man from Britain, my friend and I stayed with strangers we met on the road…. I met several canadian folks in Greece who invited me to visit and stayed in their home. All were platonic. It does happen in America. I love your column and your values, however disagree with you on this.

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Sadly, this podcast contains a very glaring omission. It’s Yael Yom-Tov Emmanuel who really runs the DB page Sword of Iron - Israel Volunteer Opportunities. I used to be a moderator on that page, and I’ve been present there for most of its existence. I have not once seen Hagit make even a single comment, much less do the 24/7 work that Yael does. It would not have been difficult at all to give credit where it’s due. So why is Hagit grandstanding about this thing she definitely *didn’t* do?

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This is a general comment about the email newsletter rather than the story… It is regrettable that Gordis chooses to charge for his newsletter. There are many similiar newsletters that do not charge. I would read this one if I could.

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