Maybe now Israel will do what it has never done before. Every time a rocket is sent into Israel, Israel responds with 6 targets in Gaza or Lebanon. Israel has been playing "nice" for too long. And further more, no Palestinian to be allowed to work in Israel, and maybe the sick can be sent to a hospital in Jordan or Saudi Arabia. We should not be taking care of their sick and wounded.

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How can there be a ceasefire without destroying Hamas? They will just regroup. As for returning Hamas prisoners held in Israeli prisons, that just starts the conflict all over again. It regenerates their army.

Biden only cares because of the voting bloc in Michigan and Minnesota. He cares nothing about Israel. One could surmise he’d like to destroy it, maybe the US, also.

I have no vote in Israel as I’m in the US. If I did, I’d vote for prosecuting it until Hamas leadership is accounted for. Don’t give them a victory so they can start this again. Their attack was abhorrent. Anyone siding with them needs to examine their morality. Certainly civilians die in war. But, civilized armies don’t do what Hamas did to civilians. The atrocities were more than chilling. Only people with no moral fiber or perhaps low IQ who could be led could carry this out without remorse.

Finding a Government for Gaza will be difficult. I’m assuming there are reasons why neighboring nations don’t want to be involved or accept refugees from Gaza.

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I understand that hope springs eternal, but what reason do the hostage families have for hoping their loved ones are alive and well? If there was any evidence of this, why haven't we seen it?

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Why have the Red Cross not visited the hostages? Isn’t that international law?

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War is won only with an unconditional surrender.

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"“I[f] this war ends with Sinwar giving a victory sign,” he said, “I think it will be unbearable for most Israelis.”"

The only way Sinwar will fail to give a victory sign will be if he is dead. Of course he will do it, from his home well away from the battefield, and we may as well get used to it because that's the kind of person he is, and because he needs to maintain his authority politically. Strange, though, I suspect it's exactly the kind of thing Netanyahu would do, except it wouldn't be from thousands of kilometers away. This is not a criticism of Netanyau - that's for another occasion - but it's a reflection of the sad reality of the limits of power and democracy.

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"If Netanyahu was involved in preparing it, what’s his political calculation? Is it the fact that for the first time since the war began, he’s leading in the polls and would defeat Gantz?" He isn't "leading in the polls." He's leading in one poll regarding a hypothetical match-up between him and Gantz, but all of the polls still show him falling short of a majority: https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-first-time-in-a-year-poll-shows-netanyahu-preferred-to-gantz-as-prime-minister/#:~:text=Respondents%20preferred%20Netanyahu%20to%20Gantz,%25%20at%20Gantz%20at%2037%25.

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This lion and rats picture is not exactly what is happening, because with a considerably longer progression of the current battles with Hamas in Gaza , there will be a stage when they can no longer function there. I believe that is the aim of our IDF and of Netanyahu. If course it is bad politicas not to put recovery of the hostages first, and both these parties will declare this to be their aim. too. However in practice this seems to be impossible unless so many murderous terrorists are set free that our lives will be threatened and more of them will be lost than the number of living hostages that we get back.

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I believe that the reference to "residents of the north return to their homes" referred to the north of Gaza, not the north of Israel.

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I was hoping it meant northern Israel. They, in a sense are hostages in their own country imprisoned by hezbolla and Iran rockets.

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Hamas and hezbolla could have/can indeed be defeated. It's done how a proper war is waged. Gaza needed blitzkrieged and smashed in first few days irregardless of how many Gazans perish. Then the world wound do against Israel just like it has anyway. No, you don't target civilians like America does, but you don't worry if they are in the way either.

The secret to Israel's victory is always doing the war quick and on the enemy territory.

The iron dome got Israel into this mess. Without iron dome, Hamas would have had to be crushed years ago with less tunnels then. Iron dome gave Israel antidote to carnage upon Israel which protected Hamas from needing crushed years ago.

Iron dome has been Hamas strength to build up.

American navy off coast last year was to scare hezbolla not to go too far so Israel would not be forced to Strike hezbolla out of existence..American navy was to there to protect hezbolla.

To understand fully, one must believe the bible.

There is the Ezekiel 38 war. Iran is part of that. Thus Iran must be prevented from being removed that would prevent that war.

God has bad people and Trojan horses as rulers to preserve Iran for that war

Prophesy will not be prevented.

In a nutshell, Israel is being led to it's destruction under Netanyahu and his sold out top generals

Israel will be destroyed but but it won't due to the God factor.

In ez 38 war, it is God that saves Israel, not it's military. God wants all the glory seen by the people. God won't get the glory if military wins or say a God/IDF partnership

I suspect that Israel will soon have all defense under ai. They are enticed as it works so well. Ai is not artificial but demon controlled under Satan. The ungodly can't comprehend this

The ai will shutdown in ez 38 and Israel will be a sitting duck. Then God saves Israel. It's that simple. The tares in Israel will perish but Israel's wheat will come through.

America will be no more at this time.


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