A conversation with Tahel Harris, a young married mother of two small children, who lives in the neighborhood in Lod where violence tore a community asunder. What happened? Can life be restored?
A telling comment from Tahel was that she felt the negative feelings were always there. The coexistence seems to be an illusion. Despite the best efforts by people like Tahel, it is not enough.
Wow, this is extremely sad, now realizing that your neighbors aren't necessarily the friends you thought they were. But worse than that, they in fact may be willing to do you harm. Oy. When will people truly live the Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you?
This is truly a tragic set of circumstances. Hopefully some initiative will have an impact and allay the fears of both the Jews in Israel, and the Arabs as well. It is difficult for me to envision what that process might look like, given both the history and the incentive of Hamas to prevent it.
A telling comment from Tahel was that she felt the negative feelings were always there. The coexistence seems to be an illusion. Despite the best efforts by people like Tahel, it is not enough.
Wow, this is extremely sad, now realizing that your neighbors aren't necessarily the friends you thought they were. But worse than that, they in fact may be willing to do you harm. Oy. When will people truly live the Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you?
This is truly a tragic set of circumstances. Hopefully some initiative will have an impact and allay the fears of both the Jews in Israel, and the Arabs as well. It is difficult for me to envision what that process might look like, given both the history and the incentive of Hamas to prevent it.