So many of the arguments work both ways. That is because it is such a dilemma with so many unknowns.

e.g. Why be against a deal that is unknown? Why be for a deal that is unknown? It is unclear of there is even any deal to be had.

Same with argument that there are people as hostages who should never be hostage in the first place, i.e. the very old and the very young. Sure, but that's on HAMAS. If Israel now goes to extra lengths to free those people, aren't we showing HAMAS who to kidnap next?

In the end, the question is "what are the lives of these particular people worth?" Certainly not everything? Because how far can we go? Stop the war? Establish a Palestinian state? Dismantle Israel?

This is why this arguing in absolutes is so damaging and wrong. Deal NOW! No Deal AT ALL! Who actually does think like that?

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I feel absolute sorrow for those parents. I do not expect them to think rationally at all. Their son is being held hostage by monsters. But the government of Israel MUST think rationally. MUST. There are nine million plus other people in Israel who are under a terrible threat and whatever decisions are made must be based on this. MUST BE. Judaism is NOT irrational. Not at all. But even if it were, geo-political security decisions are not madfe by consulting the Talmud. I pray for the succesful rescue of Hersh and every other hostage and for the peace of Jerusalem.

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“The entire Jewish people are being held hostage.” Oof. That is really what it feels like. Thank you for this conversation and as always, the Goldberg-Polins are truly inspiring.

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Very moving and thought provoking!!

Please Hashem bring our people home, and heal them and all of Israel. Please guard and protect Israel and the IDF from all evil, and bring a speedy and complete victory necessary for an everlasting peace!

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Thank you for bringing Rachel and Jon to answer the questions that have been tormenting so many of us Israelis. They have convinced me.

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But there is a misrepresentation about the idea of letting guilty people go in the service of one person’s, freedom. This is discussed in the context of a justice system that requires both following procedural rules and providing evidence in order to convict someone. Evidence submitted without proper procedure and likewise, procedures without sufficient evidence should allow any suspect to go free. Even if they are, in fact, guilty of convicting a crime.

In the situation at hand, with the hostages, the Palestinians are holding innocents, and the Israelis are holding terrorists. Releasing a terrorist is a perversion of justice, not an expression of it.

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Thanks you so much for sharing this.

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