Israel from the Inside with Daniel Gordis
Israel from the Inside with Daniel Gordis
Mekudeshet -- Jerusalem's Season of Culture (public version)

Mekudeshet -- Jerusalem's Season of Culture (public version)

How some social entrepreneurs aim to change Jerusalem -- and Israel -- through the bridge of the arts; a conversation with Karen Brunwasser

Mekudeshet is an award-winning, cultural organization that creates original art and music to reimagine Jerusalem from a center of conflict into a laboratory for connection between people of all kinds. In this episode, we speak with Karen Brunwasser, a Jerusalem-based civic activist and Chief Strategy Officer for Mekudeshet, to hear about their plan — what do they do, and how do they believe it could change Jerusalem, and perhaps even Israel?

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Music credits: Medieval poem by Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Gvirol. Melody and performance by Shaked Jehuda and Eyal Gesundheit. Production by Eyal Gesundheit. To view a video of their performance, see this YouTube:

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Israel from the Inside with Daniel Gordis
Israel from the Inside with Daniel Gordis
Israel from the Inside is for people who want to understand Israel with nuance, who believe that Israel is neither hopelessly flawed and illegitimate, nor beyond critique. If thoughtful analysis of Israel and its people interests you, welcome!