I remain optimistic not naive at all but to lose optimism about us is to hand over to the jihadis victory - that is exactly what they want - to destroy hope. I wish you would interview Prof. Eugene Kandel about his idea of "alumot". I believe we can pull it off in time. There is enough energy in all the protests that would serve as the motor for change. Just a thought.

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This may sound crazy, but we just made reservations to come to Israel for a wedding in November and then to volunteer in the agricultural field (which I did last year. Do not give up, and most important, do not give up hoping. It's a tough situation that Israel finds itself in , much of it self inflicted, but when people talk about losing faith, that is the beginning of the end.

I wish to say one thing about the hostages. Early on, when there was discussion of the first attempts to return the hostages, I expressed, with a very heavy heart, that I did not see any incentive for Sinwar to agree to release the hostages. At this point, given the continued process of negotiations, and the roadblocks that Sinwar has put up, and considering that he is the "last man standing" of the original ruling triad, I have even less hope today that the hostages will be released.

Why would Hamas announce that they have killed one and wounded two. Think about that and try to come up with a motivation.

All of this does not signify that I have given up hope for them, but it is important to weigh all the factors and information when coming to a heavy conclusion.

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Your words go right to my heart…my father z”l first moved to Israel, Palestine, in the very early 1920’s with his family. They eventually moved to the US, but Israel has always been part of lives and hearts since then. We can only hope and pray that Israel will ALWAYS be an essential part of all of our lives!! Am Yisrael Chai!! 🇮🇱🙏🫶

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Two days ago I met my nekhed and his group of 40 who were on Derekh for five weeks here in Israel. I made aliyah at the age of 62 14 years ago without any family. I missed a lot of his growing up but besides the fact that I knew I was home in 1972 on my first trip and that I wanted to make aliyah back then and it took 40 years, I felt that part of my mission in life had been accomplished i.e. to make a real tie to Israel for my nekhadim. I am sure some will make aliyah.

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